"Let your days be filled with the sound of your own heart prayers. Make the essential space needed to allow your body and soul to be filled with me. Not to do so will lead to tiredness and overwhelm. You know by now that this is the only way to live healthily in the world. Yet you forget and instead prioritise other non-essential things. Be alert and return to your praying centre. Hand your life into mine. Allow my life to fill you to the brim with the sound and promise of eternal things made visible in the here and now. It is MY life you must live through yours... In this find completion".
"Stillness and quiet will release you into the heart-core of your deeper self. From within your own silence, your own soul storehouse, you can begin to look upon the world with new eyes. Then you will see again the gift of my hand gently working even through the challenges and upsets that can permeate your life. Be of courageous spirit. Live from my spirit strength. It bubbles beneath your anxious thoughts. Allow me through, allow my still strength to rise up through your very being. Let every cell and particle of your body sing me".
"Stillness and quiet will release you into the heart-core of your deeper self. From within your own silence, your own soul storehouse, you can begin to look upon the world with new eyes. Then you will see again the gift of my hand gently working even through the challenges and upsets that can permeate your life. Be of courageous spirit. Live from my spirit strength. It bubbles beneath your anxious thoughts. Allow me through, allow my still strength to rise up through your very being. Let every cell and particle of your body sing me".