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‘On this Fourth World Day devoted to Grand-parents and the elderly, let us show our tender love for the elderly members of our families. Let us spend time with those who are disheartened and no longer hope in the possibility of a different future. In place of the self-centred attitude that leads to loneliness and abandonment, let us instead show the open heart and the joyful face of men and women who have the courage to say “I will not abandon you”, and to set out on a different path’.


Pope Francis, Message for the Fourth World Day for Grand-Parents and the Elderly


‘It is still dark and darkness surrounds you; but do not be afraid.

Now is the moment of grace: the tide of love which all your life has flowed out secretly to you from God, begins now to turn back to its source. Now as your spirit fails, you can with your last breath breathe deep and feel another's breath inhale and breathe within your breath.

His life is yours and light shines through you on all that surround you and the whole heart watches over what is happening now.’


Paul Murray OP from the book Scars, p. 79-80.

‘Who can describe the fervent charity which burned within Francis the friend of the Bridegroom? Like a glowing coal he seemed totally absorbed in the flame of divine love. Whenever he heard of the love of God he was at once excited moved and inflamed as if an inner chord of his heart had been plucked by the plectrum of the external voice’.


St Bonaventure, The Life of St Francis.


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