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Fr Jim Cogley

Our dream will demand total 100% commitment. It needs us to empower it, to passion it, and to invest our emotional and physical energy into it.

The more excited we become about it, the more we expect it to come true, the more likely it will come true. Our dream will entail investing all of our natural resources into it; our finances; our talent; our energy and our time. In other words, there is sacrifice involved. Our dream will need to be kick-started by positive action. As a general rule the moment we begin something we are already halfway there. Again to quote from Goethe: ‘Whatever you do or dream you can do – begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.’

Our dream will involve radical surrender to the Divine Will. This will

entail not just surrender of the dream itself, but also of ourselves and of all the circumstances and events that occur as part of the process. This will also include the experiences of apparent failure.

Our dream will teach us that the more we live in alignment with the

Divine Will the more inexhaustible resources become available to us. As we follow our dream we put ourselves on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for us. Our dream is a way of seeing the invisible so that we can do the impossible.

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