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UNLEASH THE GOSPEL is a new website affiliated to the archdiocese of Detroit in the US. It sets out a clear mission statement as follows:

'God is calling us, each one of us, to embrace a new identity, to become a band of joyful missionary disciples and witness to the power of the Gospel.

Why? Because Jesus Christ is the desire of the nations, and his Gospel is the answer to the deepest desires of the human heart.

Our goal is not to be good and make it to heaven. Our goal is to extend the kingdom of God on earth by making the world a place where Christ is known and loved, so that as many people as possible are brought with us to eternal life.

We are a local Church in movement, join us as we follow where Christ leads. Join the mission to unleash the Gospel'.

The website is packed with article, videos and podcasts that every evangelist and parish community will find helpful.


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