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This week we continue a new feature that brings together some of the best know and most inspiration quotes from the saints of the Church. Idea: copy and paste these to include in your parish bulletin. Seven quotes for the next seven days. Another seven next week.

‘For a long time, I have no longer belonged to myself, I am totally surrendered to Jesus, so He is free to do with me as He wills’. St Therese of Lisieux.

Are the people you live with annoying you? If so, then better to listen to the words of St John of the Cross who exhorts a brother to regard all the brothers in community as God’s artisans, with the task of forming him, John of the Cross, Precautions, 15.

‘In my innermost being there is something that always sings, a Magnificat that never ceases’ Marie-Angelique of Jesus (1893-1919).

'Freedom is the state in which the heart is no longer attached to anything, but can follow God’s will’ St Francis de Sales.

'To love is to give everything and to give oneself’ St Therese of Lisieux.

Writing on prayer and on God's action on us in that time, St Thomas Aquinas taught that 'Magis agimur quam agimus…we are acted on more than we act'.

‘There is much to fathom in Christ, for He is like an abundant mine with many recesses of treasure, so that however deep individuals go, they never reach the end or bottom but rather in every recess find new veins with new riches everywhere’. St John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle, 37.4.

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