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A retreat will take place in Ballyvaloo Retreat and Conference Centre on Saturday 31st August from 11 am to 4.30 pm facilitated by Dr. Sean O’Leary and Fr. Brendan Nolan. The day will allow us time to explore wisdom through a sensitivity to nature, scripture and quiet in the beautiful surrounds of Ballyvaloo.

A short session in the morning will explore the nature of God’s intervention in the world from miracles to providence and highlight some interesting questions from evolutionary theory. For people of faith, the supernatural is an intrinsic part of the natural. They are inseparable. As Gerard Manley Hopkins puts it: ‘The world is charged with the grandeur of God.’ There will be plenty of time to explore Creation through art and through directly experiencing nature.

As stewards of goodness, we try to live in harmony with nature. The afternoon session will consider God’s blessings though our individual strengths and explore practical ways of adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle.

The day will conclude with one hour of Eucharistic Adoration, which will also enable us to further explore and reflect upon some of the key ideas of the material. Overall, the retreat will be reflective and encourage us to explore the harmony between science and faith.

A key theme of the day is that our journey of faith is a journey of transformation that reflects the transformative power and glory of God’s ongoing creation.

A light lunch will be provided. Booking is essential and early booking is advisable. Please contact 053 9137160

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