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Have you ever noticed how a child seems to assume a greater stature when the father comes home and stretches out his arms in welcome? It’s as if the smile on the face also expands the body. The child who can say ‘O Daddy’ and runs towards him also knows who he or she is as a son or daughter. Each embrace is an inner awakening of greatness. That child’s identity is totally based on that relationship and not in any way related to efforts or achievements. Not knowing our Father is to not know who we are; so we rely on falsehoods like success, achievements or labels to feel good about ourselves. Our personal worth becomes more defined by what we do rather than who we are. Over the years we get so attached to our roles that we think they tell us who we are. A consequence of our current restrictions is that our labels no longer matter and for most what we do is of little consequence. During the lockdown one lady described her day as waiting for the weeds in her garden to show their heads so she could cut them off! This was a true exercise in being rather than doing.

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