We have heard so often that seeing is believing, but in the realm of faith believing is also seeing; in the words of Jesus to doubting Thomas, Blessed are those who have not seen (physically) and yet believe. Believing is seeing with the eyes of faith. This is where hope looks forward to what we would like to see, whereas faith rests on the assurance that the answer is already given and so can pray, with confidence; Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Faith sees the answer as already a given fact in that other dimension. Here we might use the analogy of working on a big project that needs a lot of funding and having an influential friend at the level of Cabinet. When I make my needs known to that person and he gives the reassurance that the matter will be looked after I can rest with confidence that all is well and all things will be well. That re-assurance will even allow me to act as if the answer has already arrived. Such is the essence of faith. It lives in the reality of what is not yet visible and so is like a bird that sings while its still dark because it has the assurance that the dawn will break.