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Fr Billy Swan

On 3rd and 17th of November last, members of the Lay Vocations Council met with Bishop Ger and the Vocations team to discuss the topic of vocations to the priesthood and the religious life for the future of the Church generally but specifically in our own diocese of Ferns. Much of what we discussed centered around the call of Pope Francis to create a 'culture of vocations' in every local church that creates a space for young people to hear the call from the Lord to follow him and to serve his people as priests and religious. Crucially important is a space being opened up whereby the idea of a vocation to priesthood and religious life is considered as a real possibility for young people in the Church.

We hope to meet again in the new year to discuss ideas and ways creating a greater culture of vocations within our parishes and faith communities. One way of creating that culture is by way of prayer. By praying the following prayer every time we gather to worship, we are creating a culture of vocation and putting the possibility of a vocation before those the Lord might be calling to this way of life.

Please pray this prayer daily and encourage your local priest to offer this prayer at parish liturgies to leave copies of the prayer vocation cards out for the people to take home.


'God our Father, we trust in your loving kindness. Bless our diocese of Ferns with many priestly and religious vocations. Give the men and women you call the light to understand your gift and the love to follow always in the footsteps of your Son. Amen.'


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