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Every Life Counts is a support network for families whose child is diagnosed with a life-limiting condition. The support network, founded by Vicky Wall provide the support needed in the following areas:

  • Provide a forum for parents of children who were diagnosed with a terminal condition to share their memories, their joy, their pain, and their love

  • Seek to establish a support network for parents who have received this devastating diagnosis and want to talk to parents who have been in similar situations

  • Provide resources and hope to families and their children who, above all else, seek the gift of time

  • Work to ensure that perinatal hospice care to be made available in every maternity unit in Ireland

  • Correct the misinformation which is currently causing distress to parents in this situation

  • Seek an end to hurtful, medically meaningless and misleading terms such as 'incompatible with life' and "fatal foetal abnormality"

  • We hold Little Angel days where families come together and remember their children through poetry, sharing their stories and more.

  • We hold Memory Making days where families get together under the guidance of an arts teacher and make mementos for their children and families.

  • We hold group counselling sessions for bereaved parents.

  • Every Life Counts helps parents tell their testimony and publish it on our website, and also makes personal videos for parents who wish to avail of that. These are published on Youtube, our Facebook Page and on the website.

  • We run a private forum for the families and introduce new families to this in order for them to make connections and get much needed support and advice at this difficult time.

  • We publish information leaflets for support groups and for parents.

  • Along with other support groups in this field, we brought together medical experts and families for a conference on the importance of providing perinatal hospice to all parents. This was attended by 140 medical staff.

The find out more and to listen to this interview with founder Vicky Wall,


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