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Each year on the 24th January, the Church celebrates the feast of St Francis de Sales (1567-1622). He was bishop of Geneva who worked tirelessly for the healing of wounds and reconciliation in central Europe after the trauma of the Reformation. He was known for his wisdom, graciousness and temperance of language when talking to people of different persuasions. His conviction of all the baptised being called to holiness was enshrined at the Second Vatican Council accompanied by a distinction that each is called to holiness according to the way of life God calls us to. So for example, a married woman lives a holy life differently than a celibate monk and yet the lives of both give glory to God. In the video below, Fr Gregory Pine explains how St Francis de Sales teaches us how to pray. Below that you will find some beautiful quotes and insights from St Francis on the Christian life.



“Freedom is the state in which the heart is no longer attached to anything, but can follow God’s will”.

“The Eucharist is the fountainhead of Love”

“At the very thought of God, one immediately feels a certain delightful emotion of the heart, which testifies that God is God of the human heart”.

“In Holy Church, everything pertains to love, lives in love, is done for love and comes from love”.

“What are the ‘cords’ that God’s providence uses to draw our hearts to his love?...The cords of humanity, charity and friendship”.

“We are not drawn to God by chains of iron, like bulls or oxen, but by invitations, enticements and holy inspirations; these are the cords of Adam and of human kindness, rightly befitting the human heart, which is naturally free”.

“Holiness is not the prerogative of any one group, but an urgent summons addressed to every Christian: ‘Friend, come up higher’ (Lk 14:10). All of us are called to ascend the mountain of God, albeit not each by the same path. Devotion must be practiced differently by the gentleman, the craftsman, the chamberlain, the prince, the widow, the young woman, the wife. Moreover, the practice of devotion must be adapted to the abilities, affairs and duties of each”.

“Love is the first act and principle of our devout or spiritual life, through which we live, feel, and are moved. The spiritual life is such as our affective movements are and a heart without affection has no love”.


“Nothing sways the human heart as much as love. Jesus Christ died for us; he gave us life through his death. We live only because he died, and died for us, as ours and in us”.

“Calvary is the mountain of lovers”.


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