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On this Mother’s Day, we extend our affection and appreciation to all mothers of the parish and beyond. For all that you do and for who you are, we say ‘Thank You. Thank you for all the sacrifices you make for your families and children that often go un-noticed and are sometimes taken for granted. Thank you for how you try to pass on the gift of faith to your children, teaching them to bless themselves, offer their morning prayer and to offer a prayer before sleep. These are the basic habits that teach them that God is real and is with us. On this Mother’s Day, the words of Padraig Pearse come to mind who wrote a final letter to his beloved mother from Kilmainham jail on the night before he died: “May God bless you for your great love for me and for your great faith, and may He remember all you have so bravely suffered. I hope soon to see papa, and in a little while we shall be all together again. I have not words to tell you of my love for you and how my heart yearns for you all. I will call to you in my heart at the last moment. Your son, Pat”. May this same love unite all of us to our mothers who are still alive and to those who have already gone home to God. May they pray for us from their place with Him.

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