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'One of the most important aspects of Jesus’ mission was that of healing. He willfully went to the sick and to the wounded in body and spirit. As the Catechism notes: “Moved by such suffering Christ not only allows himself to be touched by the sick, but he makes their miseries his own: He took or infirmities and bore our diseases” (CCC 1505). Underlying his healing power and inspiring all his activity was his compassionate love. He suffered when he saw the terrible marginalization of people because of their illnesses. People avoided them for fear of contagion and they were excluded from public worship. To these people Christ came with his love, a love like a soothing a balm that united, reconciled and restored inner peace. When he came to people, he awakened their trust in God, liberated them from evil and restored them to community life. By doing so, Jesus was showing them that they still had dignity and deserved to be loved. This healing power of the Lord has passed over into sacraments of his Church. Through the healing sacraments of reconciliation and anointing of the sick, our faith is awakened to receive the healing in body and soul that we need'.


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