By Lorcan Brennan
"Run towards your grace, it comes to greet you for your protection and care. You are loved completely. Eternally I reach for you and seek you out to listen to my voice of kindness and concern. Trust in the way ahead. Go into your days under my blessing and in the prayed realisation of your daughter-hood. I will not leave you to fend for yourself. Call on me often through your days and listen for my reply. Peace is my word for you. Peace and care for you. Go gently. Rest often. Pray always."
Pray for the light of gentle eternal things that reveals all the love that surrounds you. How blind you can become to the myriad ways my presence holds you in love. It is my love that will reveal all you need to live mindfully and fully present in the here and now. Yes, live in the precious moment. Be alive in the blessed and ordinary acts of living. Drink deeply from my love so freely given. Celebrate the simple fact of being alive, participating in the ordinary glory of creative and living things. Rest. Sit down deeply in the singing melody that is your life.
"Yes, rest and trust in my way for you. My will is for the unfolding of love for you and all you greet. Be not afraid. Go into life continually as a faith filled adventure. I am with you always. I never leave you to fend for yourself. All you need to do is turn to me in your heart. Surrender your plans and projects. Surrender especially your anxieties and concerns. I will take them to my heart. I will comfort you, wake your soul to fresh belief. I will make a way where there is no way. "