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By Lorcan Brennan

"Live with gentle mindfulness. It is always your choice to decide on the attitude you take in every circumstance.  You may not feel this is true but in fact it is.  When your plans are side-lined or upsets arrive again in your life. You must simply re-gather your inner self.  Mindfully choose again your attitude. Let it be one that radiates my light. Through surrendering your life into my care you will find this light.  Draw on my light to permeate your limited inner resources. Do and be all, in and through me. Celebrate our deep companionship. Be glad".


"Be grateful. Sing praise for all that is so freely given. Every breath you take is gift. Every blessed day is from my loving hands. Pray from an expectant and focused heart. All your needs are met in faith.  Put away the doubts that so easily distract and dilute your heart. Focus on me for all and everything. Pray my name.  Surrender joyfully into my creative dream for your life. Your deep contentment and meaning lies in discovering and actioning my will through living your ordinary days".


"Yes, your body is also the voice of your soul. Pay attention to it and all it tells you through feelings and energy. It will tell you what you need to know about better self-care and what it is you need to change to live more soulfully. My will for you is to always live in the present moment with soul intention. In the here and now you will find the peace and intuitive knowing that is real health and wellness. Trust in the Now. Learn to prayerfully relax and trust in my holding support and guidance. Trust completely. Begin".


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