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By Jim Thompson

In 2015 the Catholic Church joined the Orthodox Church and the World Council of Churches in observing the Season of Creation. Every year from 1st September to 4 th October, the feast of St Francis. People all over the world are invited to reflect on the

beauty and fragility of creation. In September 2015 an important meeting was held in Carlow. Three dioceses, Ferns, Ossory, and Kildare and Leighlin, participated in a day of reflection on Laudato Si’, Pope Francis’s letter on caring for “our common home.” The bishops of all three dioceses attended with about five hundred others.

During the day experts spoke on topics related to the environment.

It was a great day of hope and a call to action. It was at this meeting that I first heard of “The Season of Creation.” I felt encouraged to re-read Laudato Si’. In this groundbreaking letter Pope Francis acknowledges being inspired by many others, including Christians, people of other faiths and none. In the letter we read that all

creation reveals the glory of God: “The universe unfolds in God, who fills it completely. Hence there is a mystical meaning to be found in a leaf, in a mountain trail, a dewdrop, a poor person’s face.” Pope Francis invites us to listen to his Word and to discover God in all things. (LS 233) His prayer for the earth is inspiring. (LS 246)

These words frequently come to mind as I take my almost daily walk along the Slaney River in Enniscorthy. I hear these words as I watch the workers outside the Cotton Tree trying to prevent the pollution of our sacred river, as I hear the motion activated voice that reminds passers-by to “Enjoy your walk, clean up after your dog - bag it and bin it, thanks,” as I am greeted by so many fellow walkers and the response to a fine day always ending with “thank God,” as I observe the young and the not so young with blocked ears and eyes tuned

into their phones or texting, as I glance over at the unending line of cars on the opposite side of the river, as I admire the beauty of the swans and ducks with their young gliding on the water, and the gracefulness of the herons, the egrets and the mallards,

as I hear the children screaming with joy and excitement in the playground. Other children are collecting conkers for their Harvest Table in school, and the dogs enjoying it as much as everyone.

I always come home refreshed and revitalised after hearing the Word of God spoken through his beautiful creation. His voice is as alive today as it was thousands of years ago when captured in the Scriptures. Deo Gratias.


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